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Pi Listing Update,You can be a next millionaire!


Pi network Updates...Is Pi Really Listing on any Crypto Market Platforms...?

Let's us understand the terms IOUs and DYOR that are shocking everybody on pi network exchanges.

pi update
Source:Pi Network

As we all know very high speculations and controversies have been airing surrounding the pioneers and many crypto lovers and traders that this Pi Network(token) has listed on many giant trading platforms like coinmarketcap,coingecko,and wallet exchanges such as binance,huobi, none of these crypto market has any official permission and announcement from the pi network official and core teams as per the pi network official announcement concerned.But the question is how the pi network is listed and trading on crypto market cap and on some other trading apps.No doubt, we have seen these many legal trading markets exchanges such coins or altcoins on trading platforms on a contractual basis or within the IOUs(As per the crypto expert"an IOU token is a type of digital asset that is used to represent debt between two parties. IOU stands for “I owe you” and is a contract that acknowledges a certain amount of debt owed. These tokens can be used to facilitate transactions, such as transferring money, goods, or services between two parties. With the advent of blockchain technology, IOU tokens have become a popular way to facilitate transactions in a secure and efficient manner.) or affiliated with Dao(Decentralized Autonomous Organizations".) the crypto-legal decentralized organizations. But still, we can't say anything because as per the core team and pi network official statement has not yet come to the announcement that the pi token has listing and exchanges to any crypto trading platforms and if anyone is caught in these suspicious activities will be considered fraudulent and may lose his or her money and deactivate the pi account.
pi chartPi price
Source:Pi Network

So as of now,we need to stick to our pi official announcement and the core team's guidelines and most probably DYOR(Do Your Own Research) before doing any transfer or operating your pi wallet and mainnet balance to exchange hard-earning tokens to any listing platforms.

As we all know cryptocurrency coins and tokens are very rigid to withdraw into the FIAT currencies especially for those who are new in this market so before opening any crypto wallet and trading wallet carefully follow the guidelines and read the instructions carefully.So our strong recommendation is that open a genuine wallet which is maintaining a global crypto market cap trading exchange platforms, exchangeable chain wallet,convert into Fiat currency and supports trading consensus value algorithm.Such as Binance, Wazirx, meta mask etc.So basically we need to find a crypto wallet with options of converting the crypto to fiat with a minimum of transaction fees and a Dao system with lower Gas fees.Pi network also has a very powerful wallet system as its ecosystem and interface blockchain technologies are the strongest among any other trading cap crypto wallet apps and websites. Maybe we can't say at this moment that the pi network may have a system of buying/selling options into fiat currencies as per the conveniences of the pioneers and community requests.

pi model logo
Source:Pi Network

Pi Network At A Glance:

Now Pi Network is at mainnet period and iterating SDKs to hackathons with web3 and metaverse as well as boosting the KYCs validation and an attempt to simplify the accessibility and introduce more people to cryptocurrency through simple crypto mining and ecosystem. It was officially launched on 14 March 2019 by Nicolas Kokkalis and Chengdiao Fan who are PHDs previously worked as professors at Standford USA and working on blockchain interface technology and legitimately cryptocurrency.

Pi Network offers a mobile mining feature, where pioneers can mine Pi coins on their Android and iOS devices using the Pi mobile application. Participation in the mining program was solely by invitation. After installing and signup the application, users can mine Pi coins on their devices with a single click. Since its launch, the Pi network has exploded a large social media following and has seen incredible growth in participation with a reported 35 million members as of 2022.

Preface Opening Ecosystem That You Need To Remember throughout The mining.

As the world becomes increasingly digital, cryptocurrency is the next natural step in the evolution of money. Pi is the first digital currency for everyday people, representing a major step forward in the adoption of cryptocurrency worldwide.

Our Mission: Build a cryptocurrency and smart contracts platform secured and operated by everyday people.

Our Vision: Build the world’s most inclusive peer-to-peer marketplace, fueled by Pi, the world’s most widely used cryptocurrency

DISCLAIMER for more advanced readers: Because Pi’s mission is to be inclusive as possible, we’re going to take this opportunity to introduce our blockchain newbies to the rabbit hole :)so only join to pi network with high patience.

pi white paper
Source:Pi Network

Introduction: Why cryptocurrencies matter

Currently, our everyday financial transactions rely upon a trusted third party to maintain a record of transactions. For example, when you do a bank transaction, the banking system keeps a record & guarantees that the transaction is safe & reliable. Likewise, when Cindy transfers $5 to Steve using PayPal, PayPal maintains a central record of $5 dollars debited from Cindy’s account and $5 credited to Steve’s. Intermediaries like banks, PayPal, and other members of the current economic system play an important role in regulating the world’s financial transactions.

However, the role of these trusted intermediaries also has limitations:

Unfair value capture. These intermediaries amass billions of dollars in wealth creation (PayPal market cap is ~$130B), but pass virtually nothing onto their customers - the everyday people on the ground, whose money drives a meaningful proportion of the global economy. More and more people are falling behind.

  1. Fees. Banks and companies charge large fees for facilitating transactions. These fees often disproportionately impact lower-income populations who have the fewest alternatives.
  2. Censorship. If a particularly trusted intermediary decides that you should not be able to move your money, it can place restrictions on the movement of your money.
  3. Permissioned. The trusted intermediary serves as a gatekeeper who can arbitrarily prevent anybody from being part of the network.
  4. Pseudonymous. At a time when the issue of privacy is gaining greater urgency, these powerful gatekeepers can accidentally disclose -- or force you to disclose -- more financial information about yourself than you may want.

Bitcoin’s “peer-to-peer electronic cash system,” launched in 2009 by an anonymous programmer (or group) Satoshi Nakamoto, was a watershed moment for the freedom of money. For the first time in history, people could securely exchange value, without requiring a third party or trusted intermediary. Paying in Bitcoin meant that people like Steve and Cindy could pay each other directly, bypassing institutional fees, obstructions, and intrusions. Bitcoin was truly a currency without boundaries, powering and connecting a new global economy.

Roadmap to testnet / Deployment plan to close mainnet

Phase 1 - Design, Distribution, Trust Graph Bootstrap.

The Pi server is operating as a faucet emulating the behavior of the decentralized system as it will function once it's live. During this phase improvements in the user experience and behavior are possible and relatively easy to make compared to the stable phase of the main net. All minting of coins to users will be migrated to the live net once it launches. In other words, the live net will pre-mint in its genesis block all account holder balances generated during Phase 1, and continue operating just like the current system but fully decentralized. Pi is not listed on exchanges during this phase and it is impossible to “buy” Pi with any other currency.

Phase 2 - Testnet

Before we launch the main net, the Node software will be deployed on a test net. The test net will use the same exact trust graph as the main net but on a testing Pi coin. Pi core team will host several nodes on the test net, but will encourage more Pioneers to start their own nodes on the testnet. In fact, in order for any node to join the main net, they are advised to begin on the testnet. The test net will be run in parallel to the Pi emulator in phase one, and periodically, e.g. daily, the results from both systems will be compared to catch the gaps and misses of the test net, which will allow Pi developers to propose and implement fixes.  After a thorough concurrent run of both systems, testnet will reach a state where its results consistently match the emulators. At that time when the community feels it's ready, Pi will migrate to the next phase.

Phase 3 - Mainnet

When the community feels the software is ready for production, and it has been thoroughly tested on the testnet, the official mainnet of the Pi network will be launched. An important detail is that, in the transition into the mainnet, only accounts validated to belong to distinct real individuals will be honored. After this point, the faucet and Pi network emulator of Phase 1 will be shut down and the system will continue on its own forever. Future updates to the protocol will be contributed by the Pi developer community and Pi’s core team, and will be proposed by the committee. Their implementation and deployment will depend on nodes updating the mining software just like any other blockchain. No central authority will be controlling the currency and it will be fully decentralized. Balances of fake users or duplicate users will be discarded. This is the phase when Pi can be connected to exchanges and exchanged for other currencies.

Conclusion:Pi Network warns against Huobi’s unauthorized Pi token listing as per the source. Trust only the official social media account of the Pi network and core team announcements for such fraud and scams. Always remember the blockchain hashing chain algorithm that there are numerous bad actors or hackers around this technology because of the decentralized open autonomy system for all,so if we are good people enough(users/savvy) better than them then the hash chain becomes stronger and can't be breakable by any cyberpunks.

NotePi Network mining is free at this stage and once the phase 3 mining is completed you might be charged as a new joining member or need to buy Pi crypto for trading. At this period free mining is still going on, after signing up you just need to sit calm and mine Pi for Free from anywhere.(any queries you can chat to our members chatbox-hnb9859.);(You just need to Download the Pi App. from this link:,input as Invitation code-hnb9859 and register yourself for free. Interested learners visit more...)

Disclaimer:This article is published based on research and informational purposes & may affiliate with the service providers,
all rights reserved by Novoyugdigital & Design.(any copyright disputes kindly report or doing so is an offense.)




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