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Why is Indian Food Considered An Unhealthy Diet...?

Why is Indian Food Considered An Unhealthy Diet? Do We Eat Sponge Food That Doesn't Contain Nutrition Value...😘?

It has been gauged by foreigners that Indian food is not a healthy diet by looking on Indian fitness and Indian body language as they can't compete with rich and other European countries,"they added, moreover they can't eat properly because of too much masala and Doctors say "what we eat is not a balanced diet."

This article will talk about the negative image of Indian food. They say that Indian food is unhealthy, it consists of more spices, it’s too spicy, overcooked and lacks nutrients, but in reality, it's not so. In fact, Indian food is rich in vitamins and minerals; each ingredient has its own role to play in order to make the dish nutritious. Even though each ingredient itself is not bad or good, they are combined together to achieve the best result. It is due to this combination that we can have such a healthy and tasty meal out at our favorite restaurants. Besides this Indian food also ensures that your body gets plenty of nutrients because of the balanced way these recipes are prepared.

Indian food is considered a healthy diet. It is a blend of spices, vegetables and herbs that are commonly used in cooking food. Some people feel that Indian food has too spicy and can be unhealthy for the body. However, you need to know that there are many variations and ways to cook Indian food. These variations can create delicious, nutritious and healthy meal options.

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Photo:Canvas is wrong with the Indian diet? Apparently, a lot, claims UK-based cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra - Times of India |

Indian food is considered to be unhealthy by many people since it consists of a lot of spices and masala. On the other hand, Indians consider their food healthy because a well-balanced diet includes various nutrients such as vitamins and minerals.

Indian food is high in calories and has a lot of fat. The main attraction is the spices. This can lead to indigestion, heartburn, and other illnesses.

Indian curry is a popular dish in India, but unfortunately not very many people know the number of unhealthy ingredients used such as msg and chemicals. A lot of Indian food recipes contain too much spice and salt which can be unhealthy for your body and digestion. Some people also end up with stomach problems when they eat Indian food or do not understand how to balance their diet.

Indian food considers unhealthy food because it is full of spices and additives. Indian spice culture, oily foods, deep-fried foods and spicy foods are considered as healthy by some people but at the same time, there may be hidden ill effects on your health. Indian sweets play and drastic role in unhealthy living in India because diabetics and sugar patients are daily increasing as they eat lots of sweets and take tea like anything and they distribute sweets to celebrate throughout all festivals. Daily tea,coffee and Indian sweets contain a high amount of loaded sugar "which is the villain of all major illnesses" as the statement given by a California Doctor.

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Indian food is a great source of nutrients, minerals, and fiber. It is generally low in fat, but high in carbohydrates and protein. The level of fat present in Indian food depends on the type of meat or vegetable used in cooking. Most people are familiar with the ‘masala’ ingredients that often appear in Indian dishes such as curry (which contains red pepper), turmeric and cauliflower, and garlic and ginger which contain anti-inflammatory compounds which help to reduce pain and swelling. Another great health benefit from your favorite Indian recipe is that it makes you feel fuller for longer due to its high fiber content which slows down digestion, curbing cravings that lead to overeating and bad eating habits; this benefit can have a significant impact on weight loss.

Indian food is considered unhealthy mainly due to the spices used in cooking. Indians have a high taste for spicy foods and this can damage the digestive system if not controlled. The main problem with Indian food is that information or recipe about it is difficult to find online because it is a unique cuisine.

Indian food is considered unhealthy food and Indian curry has too much masala, which overcooking and foreign experiences are not allowed to eat Indian food as they do not like it, moreover, it is also rich in nutrients and minerals. Indian food is known as some of the most delicious cuisines in the world. There are a lot of differences in our health, but it seems we just can’t resist its richness.

Indian food is considered unhealthy food because of the numerous spices and condiments that are used in preparation. It contains too much masala, and too much spiciness, which can lead to indigestion. It is generally cooked at a high temperature for a long time. This causes many problems like heartburn and a burning sensation. The high intake of fat is also a cause for concern. In addition, its high salt content makes it difficult for the body to absorb more vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium which play a very important role in building strong bones and teeth. The inability to digest protein from meat and vegetables may result in a slower growth rate during childhood along with other health issues such as osteoporosis or loss of teeth due.

At first, I did not have much knowledge of food. Eat healthily but do not avoid Indian food. However, in recent years, I realized that Indian foods are generally rich in carbohydrates and protein and are lower in fat than other cuisines. However, most people still think that Indian food is unhealthy. What if eating this type of food will make you sick?

Conclusion: Indian food includes more spices in order to make it tasty, high in fat and oil content, very spicy and also has many textures like hard saffron, green cardamom, and yellow or black pepper. Drinks like mango lassi are a perfect example of the use of fruits such as mangoes.As the modern scientifical cooking method, Indian food needs to maintain certain techniques and recipes to marinate and cook by temperature and the tenderness of the fruits, vegetables, or meats that we don't follow. Hygiene is the main factor in India while cutting and cooking food because of flies,insects, rodents etc.and most cooks or chefs don't care about the cleanliness and the SOPs,certain use of ingredients are not good for the health eg.Spicy,Soda,Tasting powder(MSG-monosodium glutamate) etc.As it is said that"we are what, what we eat."so we need to learn how to eat the food from time to time by making choices and selecting them in order to maintain a balanced diet and healthy food so that we can compete rest of the world.

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with the service providers,all rights reserved by Novoyugdigital & Design.(any copyright 
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